
发布时间:2017-09-14 浏览次数:9412


出生年月:  1957.7.







E – MAILshenlin@fjnu.edu.cn  



林深, 女,1957年出生,博士,教授,博士生导师,物理化学博士点带头人。曾任福建师范大学化学与材料学院院长、校教务处处长、福建省化学会副理事长。教育部高等学校化学基础课程教学指导委员会委员(2006-2012);教育部高等学校化学类专业教学指导委员会委员(2013-2018)。1997年获福建师范大学首届“师德之星”称号,2000年入选“福建省百千万人才工程”;2008年评为福建省第四届高等学校教学名师。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目三项,主持或参加教育部重点项目、福建省自然科学基金、福建省科技厅、教育厅重点项目近20项,发表SCI、EI收录学术论文100多篇,JCR一、二区论文30余篇;授权中国发明专利2件。先后获得省级优秀教学成果奖二等奖2项(主持,2009, 2014); 参加编写国家“十一五”规划教材《无机化学》《无机化学学习指导》(高等教育出版社出版2005,2006); 主编国家“十二五”规划教材《大学化学实验》《大学化学实验学习指导》(中国化工出版社出版2009);主编《化学实验教程》上、下册(高等教育出版社出版2014)。


1978/2-1982/2  厦门大学化学系,催化化学专业,学士;

1988/9-1991/6  福建师范大学化学系,物理化学专业,硕士;

1998/9-2002/6  福州大学化学化工学院,物理化学专业,博士;



2005/8-2006/6美国New York大学和新泽西州立大学Rutgers分校高级访问学者











国家自然科学基金 2016.1-2019.12  负责人

2.基于功能化修饰石墨烯和PAMAM的纳米复合膜的制备及其对低碳醇类氧化电催化性能国家自然科学基金  2012.1-2015.12 负责人

3.  [Pd/POMs/GN]复合膜催化剂的制备及对甲酸燃料电池阳极催化性能研究

福建省自然科学基金  2014.5-2017.5.  负责人

4. -多金属氧酸盐体系催化C-H键官能团化构建C-CC-N


5. 过渡金属钯-多金属氧酸盐杂化材料的制备及其对C-CC-O键生成的催化性能

国家自然科学基金2011.1-2011.12  负责人


国家自然科学基金2008.1-2010.1  负责人


福建省自然科学基金 2008.6-2010.10  负责人

8. 新型金属有机多孔配位聚合物的设计、合成及其储氢性能研究

福建省科技厅重点项目2008.3-2011.3   负责人




[1] Qiuling Wu, Meiling Jiang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Jiannan Cai, Shen Lin*

A novel octahedral MnO/RGO composite prepared by thermal decomposition as a noble

-metal free electrocatalyst for ORR  Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52, 6656-6669.


[2] Shuhong Xu, Zhongshui Li, Fengling Lei, Yanli Wang, Yixin Xie, Shen Lin*

Facile synthesis of hydrangea-like core-shell Pd@Pt/graphene composite as an efficient electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation  Applied Surface Science 426 (2017) 351–359


[3] Cheng Chen,Li-Xuan Cai,Bin Tan,Ya-Jun Zhang,Xiao-Dong Yang,Shen Lin,* Jie Zhang* Flexible Bipyridinium Constructed Porous Frameworks with Superior Broad -Spectrum Adsorption toward Organic Pollutants  Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, 1843−1848


[4] Zhongshui Li, Lingting Ye, Fengling Lei, Yanli Wang, Shuhong Xua, Shen Lin,*

Enhanced electro-photo synergistic catalysis of Pt (Pd)/ZnO/graphene composite for methanol

oxidation under visible light irradiation  Electrochimica Acta188 (2016) 450460


[5] Fengling Lei, Zhongshui Li, Lian Zhang, Yanli Wang, Shuhong Xu, and Shen Lin*  Facile Synthesis of Pt-Cu (Ni, Co)/GNs-CD and Their Enhanced Electro-Catalytic Activity for Methanol Oxidation Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (8) F913-F918 (2016)


[6] Xiaofeng Zhang, Xiaoying Wang, Lijuan Le, Ai Ma, and Shen Lin*  A Pd/PW12/RGO Composite Catalyst Prepared by Electro-Codeposition for Formic Acid Electro-Oxidation Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (2) F71-F78 (2016)

[7] Zhongshui Li, Lingting Ye, Yanli Wang, Shuhong Xu, Fengling Lei and Shen Lin*  Visible light assisted electro–photo synergistic catalysis of heterostructured Pd–Ag NPs/grapheme for methanol oxidation RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 79533–79541


[8] Lijuan Le, Xiaofeng Zhang, Ai Ma, Yi Zhang, Huodi Huang and Shen Lin*  Facile synthesis of Pd/PDDA-GN/PMo11Co composite and its enhanced catalytic performance for formic acid oxidation RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 107370–107378


[9] YanliWang , Zhongshui Li, Shuhong Xu , Fengling Lei and Shen Lin *

One Pot Synthesis of Pt/Graphene Composite Using Polyamidoamine/Chitosan as a Template and Its Electrocatalysis for Methanol Oxidation  Catalysts 2016, 6, 165-178


[10]Xiaofeng Zhang, Xiaoying Wang, Lijuan Le, Ai Ma, and Shen Lin,A Pd/PW12/RGO Composite Catalyst Prepared by Electro-Codeposition for Formic Acid Electro-Oxidation Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (2) F71-F78 (2016)


[11] Xiaofeng Zhang, Xiaoying Wang, Lijuan Le, Ai Ma and Shen Lin* Electrochemical growth of octahedral Fe3O4 with high activity and stability toward the oxygen reduction reactionJournal of Materials Chemistry A  2015, 3, 19273.


[12] Xiaolei He, Lifang Chen, Zhongshui Li, Xiaofeng Zhang, Ai Ma, Shen Lin* Enhanced Electrocatalysis for methanol oxidation on ordered {[PdPW11O39]5-/Pt/PAMAM}n multilayer composites  Fuel Cells  1520151221-1229 

[13] Z.S. Li,F.L. Lei, L.T. Ye, X.F. Zhang, S. Lin*, Controlled synthesis of Pt/CS/PW12-GNs composite as an anodic electrocatalyst for direct methanol fuel cells, Journal of nanoparticle research  17 (2015) 192.


[14] Ai Ma, Xiaofeng Zhang, Xiaoying Wang, Lijuan Le and Shen Lin* Green synthesis of PdCu supported on graphene/polyoxometalate LBL films for high-performance formic acid oxidation RSC Adv.,2015, 5, 64534


[15] L. Ye, Z.S. Li, X. Zhang, F. Lei, S.Lin*, One-step microwave synthesis of Pt (Pd)/Cu2O/GNs composites and their electro-photo-synergistic catalytic properties for methanol oxidation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A2 (2014) 21010.

[16] Z.S. Li, L. Zhang, X.M. Huang, L.T. Ye,S. Lin*, Shape-controlled synthesis of Pt nanoparticles via integration of graphene and β-cyclodextrin and using as a noval electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation, Electrochimica Acta 121 (2014) 215.


[17] Xiaomei Huang, Zhongshui Li, Xiaofeng Zhang, Xiaolei He, Shen Lin* Preparation of Pt/{PDDA-GN/PSS-GN}n multilayer films and their electrocatalytic activity regarding methanol oxidation Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2013,393:300–305  

[18] Xiaofeng Zhang, Qiufeng Huang, Bingtai Ke, Xiaoling Huang, XuePing Chen, Shen Lin* Luminescent inorganic–organic hybrid films based on europium-substituted heteropolymolybdate and poly(amidoamine) dendrimer Journal of Luminescence 2013, 138 :117–121

[19]Zhongshui Li, Xiaomei Huang,Xiaofeng Zhang,Lian Zhang and Shen Lin*  The synergistic effect of graphene and polyoxometalates enhanced electrocatalytic activities of Pt-{PEI-GNs /[PMo12O40]3 }n composite films regarding methanol oxidation  Journal of Material Chemistry 2012, 22 : 23602-23607


[20]Zhong-Shui Li, Shen Lin* Zu-liang Chen, Yuan-De Shi, Xiao-Mei Huang  In situ electro -deposition of Pt micro-nano clusters on the surface of{[PMo12O40]3- /PAMAM}n  multilayer composite films and their electrocatalytic activities regarding methanol oxidation  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science  2012, 368:413–419


[21] Xiaoju Li,*Xiaofang Guo,XiuLan Weng and Shen Lin * Two novel 2D cadmium(II ) MOFs based on flexible bis(imidazolyl) and zwitterionic dicarboxylate ligands Cryst.Eng.Comm. 2012144: 1412-1418

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