
发布时间:2017-09-14 浏览次数:8379

姓  名:陈鸿

性  别:

学  位:博士

职  称:副研究员



在有机/无机纳米复合功能材料领域研究多年,积累了丰富的经验,熟练掌握功能复 合材料的设计、合成、可控插层组装等的理论知识、合成技术以及结构鉴定和物性表征,对构效机制有深刻的认识,成功地实现了多种纳米材料的组分、尺寸、维度和形貌的可控制备,取得了一定的成果。


(1) 2011.8—至今, 福建师范大学, 化学与材料学院, 助理研究员、副研究员

(2) 2019.10—2020.10, 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 材料研究所, 访问学者










        1.X. H. Liu, Y. D. Chen, H. Q. Zhang, L. L. Zhuo, Q. W. Huang, W. G. Zhang, H. Chen*, Q. D. Ling, Synthesis of MXene-based nanocomposite electrode supported by PEDOT: PSS-modified cotton fabric for high-performance wearable supercapacitor, Journal of Colloid And Interface Science, 2024, 660, 735-745.

2. Y. D. Chen, X. H. Liu, H. Q. Zhang, Q. W. Huang, L. L. Zhuo, W. G. Zhang, H. Chen*, Q. D. Ling, Rapid and Facile Method for the Synthesis of a Nanoarray Hierarchical Composite and Its Application in Flexible Self-Chargeable Supercapacitors, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2024.

3. H. Q. Zhang, X. H. Liu, Y. D Chen, H. F. Kuang, H. Y. Zhen, W. G.g Zhang, H. Chen*, Q. D. Ling,Construction of core-shell heterostructure containing sandwich-like nanoarray for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 67, 107647(1-13).

4. H. F. Kuang, H. Q. Zhang, X. H. Liu, Y. D. Chen, W. G. Zhang, H. Chen*, Q. D. Ling, Microwave-assisted synthesis of NiCo-LDH/graphene nanoscrolls composite for supercapacitor, Carbon, 2022, 190, 57-67.

5. W. Z. Wu, M. M. Shuai, H. F. Kuang, H. Q. Zhang, W. G. Zhang, Hong Chen*, Q. D. Ling*, Synthesis of NiCo-layered double hydroxide/multilayer graphene composite via the ozone oxidation combined microwave-assisted synthesis strategy, Diamond and Related Materials, 2021,120: 108636(1-9).

6. M. M. Shuai, J. H. Lin, W. Z. Wu, H. F. Kuang, W. G. Zhang, Q. D. Ling, H. Chen*, S. Komarneni, Metallic nickel–cobalt phosphide/multilayer graphene composite for high-performance supercapacitors, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020,44: 8796-8804.

7. J. H. Lin, H. Chen*, M. M. Shuai, W. Z. Wu, Y. Wang, W. G. Zhang, Q. D. Ling*, Facile synthesis of 3D interconnecting petal-like NiCoO2/C composite as high-performance supercapacitor electrode materials, Materials Today Nano, 2019, 7: 100046(1-8).

8. H. Chen*, Y. Wang, J. H. Lin, M. M. Shuai, H. D. Zhu, W. G. Zhang, Q. D. Ling*, Transparent red-emitting silicone resin for color conversion and encapsulation of NUV light-emitting diodes, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019, 102(5): 2718-2726.

9. H. Chen*, J. H. Lin, N. Zhang, L. Z. Chen, S. P. Zhong, Y. Wang, W. G. Zhang, Q. D. Ling*, Preparation of MgAl-EDTA-LDH based electrospun nanofiber membrane and its adsorption properties of copper (II) from wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 345:1-9.

10. X. H. Zhou, H. Chen*, Q. H. Chen, Q. D. Ling*, Synthesis and characterization of two-component acidic ion intercalated layered double hydroxide and its use as a nanoflame-retardant in ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), RSC Advances, 2017, 7:53064-53075.

11. H. Chen, H. Gao, H. W Xiao, X. H. Zhou, W. G Zhang, Q. D Ling*, Eco-friendly synthesis of few-layer graphene with high surface area under low temperature for supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 206:10-16.

12. H. Chen, H. W. Xiao, H. Gao, X. H. Zhou, W. G Zhang, Q. D Ling*, A facile approach towards direct transformation of benzoate into graphene under low temperature and study of its electrochemical properties, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 296:252-259.

13. H. Chen, W. G. Zhang, Z. H. Lin, Q. D. Ling*, White-light hydrotalcite-like compound emission from the incorporation of red-, green-, and blue-emitting metal complexes, Optical Materials Express, 2013, 3 (1):105-113.

14. H. Chen, Q. D. Ling, W. G. Zhang*, Z. H. Lin, Luminescent drug-containing hydrotalcite-like compound as a drug carrier, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 185:358-365.

15. H. Chen, W. G Zhang*, A strong-fluorescent Tb-containing hydrotalcite-like compound. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2010, 93 (8):2305-2310.

16. H. Chen, W. G. Zhang*, Synthesis and characterization of a strong-fluorescent Eu-containing hydrotalcite-like compound. Science China Chemistry, 2010, 53 (6):1273-1280.


  1. 一种低成本可规模化制备石墨烯的方法,ZL201510074174.7.    

  2. 一种三维多孔石墨烯复合材料的制备方法,ZL201510074078.2.   

  3. 一种LDHs/PVA复合膜制备方法及其在重金属废水中应用, ZL201510833131.2.     

  4. 一种兼具发光和封装功能的黄光硅胶的制备方法及其在白光LED上的应用,ZL2015108087671.    

  5. 一类兼具发光和封装功能的有机/无机复合发光硅胶制备方法及其在LED光源上应用,ZL201510808812.3.   

  6. 一种基于三维多孔石墨烯复合材料制备超级电容器的方法,ZL201510074080.X.  



2. 基于稀土配合物的白光复合材料的合成及在UV-WLED上的应用研究,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2016J01212,主持。

3. 一种用于重金属废水处理的类水滑石复合吸附材料的合成与应用,企事业单位委托科技项目,主持。


E-mailchengh5678@126.com        QQ874193411

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